
The Xenopopper is a Hardmode, post-Golem gun that uses bullets as ammunition, but fires a small initial cloud of four to five simultaneous “bubbles”. The bubbles themselves do no damage and will bounce off solid blocks. They then pop after a short delay, firing bullets (one per bubble) that converge at the cursor’s location. The targeting effect is similar to that of the Lunar Flare. Each firing consumes only one bullet, but produces 4-5 projectiles each.

The Xenopopper has a 11.11% (1/9) chance to be dropped by the Martian Saucer during the Martian Madness event.

Its best Modifier is Unreal.

  • The Xenopopper could be considered a variation of shotgun-type guns. In this case, its increased accuracy comes at the cost of lag. This makes it perhaps more suited for single targets rather than area crowd control, depending on players’ targeting skills.
  • Chlorophyte Bullets pair well as they’re effective against quick-moving enemies and useful for crowd control. Most of the bullets will hit the target, increasing DPS.
  • If attempting to control a large horde of enemies, rather than directly aiming one’s mouse at the horde (and only hitting one or two enemies at a time), aim the mouse further away to increase chances of hitting more enemies.
  • Bullets only aim themselves at the cursor’s position once the bubbles pop. As a result, if the player fires behind themselves while moving away, the cursor may end up between the player and the bubbles before the bullets actually fire, effectively causing the shot to fire toward the player, and not the target. This can be mitigated by keeping the cursor as far away from the player as possible during movement.
  • The Xenopopper is extremely useful during the Lunar Events, as the pillars are large and immobile, making them easy targets.